Personal Data Protection

Information on personal data processing

Protection of Personal Data

The information below is provided in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter also referred to as "GDPR").

Identity of the administrator: New Space Technologies s.r.o., headquarters Zerzavice 2146, 686 01 Staré Město, IČO: 019 54 717, registered at the regional court in Brno, Section C, File No. 96819 (referred to above as the "Administrator").

Contacts of the administrator: New Space Technologies s.r.o., headquarters Zerzavice 2146, 686 01 Staré Město, email:

New Space Technologies (hereinafter referred to as „NST“) has adopted a Code of Conduct for the Handling of Personal Data in order to properly protect personal data and improve security measures.

NST, as a personal data administrator, collects and processes personal data in accordance with applicable law, particularly the General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR"). All personal data collected are processed on the basis of legal titles, for legitimate and clearly identified purposes, and only to the extent necessary and for the time necessary to achieve the stated purpose.

NST respects your rights. In relation to the processing of your personal data, you have the following rights under Article 15 et seq. of the GDPR:

• the right of access to personal data,

• the right to rectification of personal data,

• the right to erasure of personal data,

• the right to restriction of processing,

• the right to data portability,

• the right to object to processing,

• the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data.

You can contact the NST Data Protection Officer at any time with questions about data protection or requests to exercise your rights using the contact details above.

Code of Conduct for the handling of personal data

New Space Technologies, s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as "NST") is aware of the long-term European trend of increasing the protection of personal data of natural persons, with which it fully identifies within its compliance program. NST strongly promotes compliance with its security measures adopted to protect personal data and is committed to their continuous improvement. In order to improve its security measures, NST has also adopted this Code of Conduct for the handling of personal data:

1. We include everyone - This Code applies to all employees, whether in technical or managerial professions or management, as well as members of the Company's governing bodies and any other persons who work with the Company or carry out similar activities (collectively referred to as "employees").

2. We protect all - This Code applies to all personal data of individuals handled by the Workers in the course of their activities, whether they are clients, customers, suppliers, employees, business partners, related parties or others.

3. We obey the law - this code supplements, develops, deepens and, where appropriate, specifies certain legal requirements set by both the state and European institutions. NST continues to require all employees to comply with all legal rules, ethical standards and moral values presented in the Company's compliance program.


1. We are transparent - we provide all natural persons whose personal data we process (hereinafter also referred to as "data subjects") with easy access to all information about this processing, in particular who, what, to what extent, and for what purpose the data is processed, to whom it is transferred, and we also inform about the related rights of data subjects. More information is contained both in this Code and on our website.

2. We obey the law - we obtain all data we receive from individuals in accordance with the law, based on the legal titles, which are:

- Consent - we always ensure that it is free, specific, informed and unambiguous,

- Execution or conclusion of the contract,

- Compliance with legal requirements,

- Legitimate interest - in such cases we always ensure that the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons are protected,

- Protection of vital interests,

- Compliance with legal obligations in the field of labour law, social security law and social protection, occupational medicine, occupational health and safety,

- Determining, exercising or defending legal claims.

3. Purposeful data only - we only process any personal data collected by NST and our staff on the basis of a legitimate and clearly identified purpose. If the purpose of processing personal data ceases to exist, we will take all necessary steps to dispose of it.

4. Scope is important - when processing data, we always ensure that we only collect data that is necessary and only to the minimum extent. Any information that is provided to us voluntarily beyond the primary purpose is processed on the basis of consent, which may be withdrawn by the data subject concerned at any time.

5. We aim for accuracy - we make sure that any data we collect is always up-to-date and accurate. We continuously check the accuracy of the data and, if inaccuracies are found, we will immediately take all reasonable steps to amend or delete the data as appropriate. We only retain the personal data we process for as long as necessary.

6. Security is our priority - the protection of personal data is very important to us. We always take care to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to unauthorised persons and that it is not damaged, lost or destroyed.

7. We care about the rights of data subjects - we ensure that all legal rights of data subjects are fulfilled to the best of our ability and capability, without delay and to the full satisfaction of all, but always at a minimum as required by applicable law. We inform data subjects of all their rights on our website.


With regard to the specific activities of NST, NST hereby declares and establishes the basic rules of conduct in the handling of personal data for specifically defined categories.

1. Communication with business partners - in our business activities, we ensure that each employee always obtains all personal data legally and legitimately, and that they comply with all the above-mentioned principles and legal regulations related to the issue when handling the personal data of business partners - customers, suppliers and potential clients. Our staff comply with legal obligations and contractual confidentiality in all specific activities related to finding and retaining business partners, such as, but not limited to:

- sending commercial communications,

- promotion of the company and public events of the company,

- disclosure of third-party information.

2. Transfer of personal data abroad - in view of our company's strategy to expand abroad and in an effort to meet all of our clients' increasingly demanding requirements worldwide, it is often necessary to transfer personal data outside the EU member states, that being done in accordance with all regulations. In such cases, we always take the utmost care to ensure that the personal data of our employees is only provided on the basis of the applicable legislation and in such a way that all data protection guarantees on the part of the recipients are sufficiently ensured. We always ensure that the personal data of all subjects is protected and secured.

3. Organizing public events - NST makes considerable efforts to ensure that the general public always has the opportunity to learn about its work. We keep the general public informed of any progress, research or interesting developments in our business, whether by attending trade shows, educational tours, exhibitions or by introducing people close to our staff to the working environment. We inform the public about all these events on our public networking accounts or in internal and external news portals or press releases. When making recordings of these events, we always ensure that they are made in accordance with applicable law.


In accordance with NST's corporate policy, we do not tolerate any violations of law or employee conduct that is unethical, immoral, illegal or otherwise violative and always take a proactive approach to prevent undesirable situations from occurring. In connection with this approach to our data protection, we do not tolerate any violation of data protection or any denial of the rights of data subjects. In particular, we completely distance ourselves from such infringing actions:

1. Automated data collection - we always strive to make all the operations that we do in our business completely transparent and to ensure that data subjects are always informed of the facts related to their personal data. We therefore strongly oppose the collection of personal data in any unauthorised automated form, where the data subject is not informed which data is being collected about them, or where this data is obtained unlawfully - e.g. by hacking, stalking, activity tracking, etc.

2. Spyware or other attacks - our company does not tolerate the use of any prohibited or malicious programs that have the purpose of:

• Taking control of data subjects' devices that could result in obtaining

       personal data illegally,

• Deactivating or limiting the functioning of device protection that could result in facilitating access to personal data,

• Uninstalling or controlling rights and access to programs that could damage a computer or gain unauthorized access to         software that modifies personal data.

Unauthorised collection of data - we consistently make sure not to collect or record personal data for which there is no legal basis or for which there is no clearly specified purpose. Similarly, we do not process data for longer than is strictly necessary and we always protect the data and do not disclose it to anyone other than the data subject.

If you encounter or reasonably suspect a violation of any of the rules set forth in this Code, please notify us at