A young company with a team of experienced professionals

Jsme mladá, dynamicky se rozvíjející konstrukční kancelář, kterou tvoří ucelený a stále se rozšiřující tým schopných a zkušených techniků s erudicí v designu, ergonomii, konstrukci, výpočtech, analýzách a zkouškách. Společnost působí na trhu od roku 2016 a od té doby vyrostla z úzkého kolektivu nadšených specialistů ve významného poskytovatele všeobecných inženýrských služeb.
Zabýváme se rovněž vlastními projekty v oblasti Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, tedy UAV a pustili jsme se do velké věci, vyvíjíme obojživelné záchranářské vozidlo.

We are an up-to-date engineering office. Our team consists of skilled engineers with erudition in design, ergonomics, construction and analysis.

We will exceed your expectations

Quality is our number one priority as we realize that quality is a key element of clients' satisfaction.  And that is what we are after - being a long-term partner you can rely on under any circumstances. A partner to help you achieve your goals.




Team members



We emphasize a professional, innovative and procedural approach to project implementation.

Václav Zajíc, MBA, Project manager


They lead us

Václav Zajíc


Václav Zajíc has been working in the industry since 1980, when he graduated from the Military Academy in Brno with a degree in aircraft design. He started his career as a designer at LET Kunovice and when he left in 1992 he was the Project Manager of Gliders. He was at the birth of EVEKTOR, where he served as the company's director for 25 years. Under his leadership, the company gradually built up the capacity and capability for complex development and production of aircraft from UL category to GA category aircraft - with DOA and POA production authorization.

Václav was instrumental in the establishment of the New Space Technologies design office, where he brought years of experience in corporate leadership, participating in project management and in setting and implementing the company's strategy.

Ivo Kryl


Ivo Kryl, born in 1969, has devoted his life to the development and application of new production technologies and their application in high-end products in the field of aeronautics. His professional activities to date include a significant line of achievements in the field of development and production of composite aeronautical structures, strategic development of propulsion units for special unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as considerable social activities in the field of sports and aerobatic aviation.

Ivo is a co-founder of New Space Technologies and a co-creator of the overall development and business strategy of the company.  He has been involved in the development and implementation of the company's vision for many years and has been an active leader in the search for and implementation of new directions and technological challenges that today's times bring.


We are here to help you with your unique project!